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String Pool in Java

String class is one of the most important class in java. It is widely used in every java-based application. One of the Most Important...

HashMap Implementation

HashMap works on the hashing technique. It uses the equals() and hashCode() methods on the key of the map to perform the get() and put()...

Java equals() and hashCode()

Java equals() and hashCode() are two very important methods defined in Object Class. equals() Method: The default equals() method present...

BlockingQueue Tutorial

java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue is used when you have one thread produces the objects and while the other thread consumes them. This...

Native Queries Using JPA

JPQL is one of the most standard feature of JPA(Java Persistence API) for querying the database. But JPA queries doe not support some of...

Hibernate Interview Questions

1)What Is ORM? ORM Stands for Object Relational Mapping(ORM). It is used for mapping model objects to the Relational Database Tables. 2)...

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